A Chinese way of medical therapy, Acupuncture Durban

Acupuncture is a Chinese way of medical therapy that treats patients by insertion of needles in to the body parts. This practice has supporters who claims that this practice relieves pain, infertility, and prevents diseases

Acupuncture has been effective in relief of pains due to nausea and it is agreed that this is safe when administrated by well experienced practitioners by using sterile needles. The basic thought brought out by Acupuncture therapy is that disease is caused by an imbalance in the body systems or to say due to some blockage or stagnations

The following are the common practiced Acupuncture therapies:

Cupping, needling, medical acupuncture, Acupuncture point injection

Traditional Chinese medicine is developed over several thousand years which inculcates the study of anatomical systems. TCM also associates the organs of the body to the stars, planets and astrological beliefs to explain the observed fact of the persistence of health and illness in the human body.

Traditional diagnosis

The acupuncturist decides which points to treat by observing and questioning the patient in order to make a diagnosis according to the tradition which he or she utilizes.

Acupuncture is well developed whole healthcare system based on natural energetic laws. Counting back to over 5,000 years as a primary healthcare system in China, acupuncture is widespread in  many country in the world 

Calinda Acupuncture Clinic: 32 Adelaide Tambo Drive, Durban North, Durban

Website: http://drcalinda.com

Herbs - Herbal medicine

Herbal medicine , also called botanical medicine or phytomedicine, refers to using a plant's seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes. Herbalism has a long tradition of use outside of conventional medicine. It is becoming more mainstream as improvements in analysis and quality control along with advances in clinical research show the value of herbal medicine in the treating and preventing disease

What is herbal medicine good for? 

Herbal medicine is used to treat many conditions, such as asthma, eczema, premenstrual syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, menopausal symptoms, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, and cancer, among others. Herbal supplements are best taken under the guidance of a trained health care provider. For example, one study found that 90% of arthritic patients use alternative therapies, such as herbal medicine.Be sure to consult with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any herbs. Some common herbs and their uses are discussed below.

    *  Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) has been used in traditional medicine to treat circulatory disorders and enhance memory. Although not all studies agree, ginkgo may be especially effective in treating dementia (including Alzheimer's disease) and intermittent claudication (poor circulation in the legs). It also shows promise for enhancing memory in older adults. Laboratory studies have shown that ginkgo improves blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of blood platelets. By the same token, this means ginkgo may also increase the effect of some blood thinning medications, including aspirin. People taking blood thinning medications should ask their doctor before using ginkgo. Caution should also be taken with people with a history of seizures and people with fertility issues; speak with your physician.

     *  Kava kava (Piper methysticum) is said to elevate mood, enhance well being and contentment, and produce a feeling of relaxation. Several studies have found that kava may be useful in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and related nervous disorders. However, there is serious concern that kava may cause liver damage. It's not clear whether the kava itself caused liver damage in a few people, or whether it was taking kava in combination with other drugs or herbs. It's also not clear whether kava is dangerous at previously recommended doses, or only at higher doses. Some countries have taken kava off the market. It remains available in the United States, but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a consumer advisory in March of 2002 regarding the "rare" but potential risk of liver failure associated with kava containing products.

     *  Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) is used by more than 2 million men in the United States for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a non cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. A number of studies suggest that the herb is effective for treating symptoms, including frequent urination, having trouble starting or maintaining urination, and needing to urinate during the night. But a well-conducted study published in the February 9, 2006 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine found that saw palmetto was no better than placebo in relieving the signs and symptoms of BPH.

    *  St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is well known for its antidepressant effects. In general, most studies have shown that St. John's wort may be an effective treatment for mild to moderate depression, and has fewer side effects than most other prescription antidepressants. But the herb interacts with a wide variety of medications, including birth control pills, and can potentially cause unwanted side effects, so it is important to take it only under the guidance of a health care provider. 

    *  Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a popular alternative to commonly prescribed medications for sleep problems because it is considered to be both safe and gentle. Some studies bear this out, although not all have found valerian to be effective. Unlike many prescription sleeping pills, valerian may have fewer side effects, such as morning drowsiness. However, Valerian does interact with some medications, particularly psychiatric medications, so you should speak to your doctor to see if Valerian is right for you.

     *   Echinacea preparations (from Echinacea purpurea and other Echinacea species) may improve the body's natural immunity. Echinacea is one of the most commonly used herbal products, but studies are mixed as to whether it can help prevent or treat colds. A review of 14 clinical studies examining the effect of echinacea on the incidence and duration of the common cold found that echinacea supplements decreased the odds of getting a cold by 58%. It also shortened the duration of a cold by 1.4 days. Echinacea can interact with certain medications and may not be right for people with certain conditions, for example people with autoimmune disorders or certain allergies. Speak with your physician.

     Buying standardized herbal supplements helps ensure you will get the right dose and the effects similar to human clinical trials. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about which herbal supplements are best for your health concerns.

Calinda Acupuncture Clinic: 32 Adelaide Tambo Drive, Durban North, Durban

Website: http://drcalinda.com


Reflexology is the application of appropriate pressure to points on the feet, hands, and areas on body

Reflexologists believe that these areas and reflex points correspond to different body organs and systems, and that pressing them has a beneficial effect on the organs and person's general health.

Where are the reflexology points and areas

In reflexology theory, points and areas on the feet, hands, and ears correspond to specific organs, bones

Practitioners access these points on the feet and hands to affect organs and systems throughout the entire body.

Maps of reflex points have been passed between practitioners across the globe. Understandably, there is not agreement among all reflexologists on all points; however, general agreement does exist on major reflex points. Some scientific documentation of linkages between the skin and internal organs also exists

Reflexologists use reflexology "maps." A good example of a reflexology map exists for the feet. Each foot represents a vertical half of the body:

 Whatever, the reflexologist attempts to release congestion or stress in the nervous system and balance the body's energy.

What does reflexology relate to Acupuncture and Massage

Acupuncture: Reflexology is similar to acupuncture in that it works with the body's vital energy through the stimulation of points on

Massage: Massage and reflexology use touch but the approaches are very different. Massage is the systematic manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, using specific techniques to relax the muscles

Reflexology focuses on reflex maps of points and areas of the body, using unique techniques such as thumb or finger walking and hook and backup to create a response throughout the body.

Calinda Acupuncture Clinic: 32 Adelaide Tambo Drive, Durban North

Website: http://drcalinda.com

Durban Acupuncture

You got a problem with sleep, headache, backache, asthma, sinusitis, spinal problems, pinched nerves, spondylosis or slipped disc, hip problems, frozen shoulder, gangrene, etc …

Do you want to try acupuncture to balance your body, mind and spirit, you looking for a primary health care, please visit us at: http://drcalinda.com

Dr Calinda Lin more than 23 years of practical and clinical experience

Tell: 031 563 5027 / 031 563 5018    Email: calinda@worldonline.co.za

Add: 32 Adelaide Tambo Drive, Durban North, Durban

Website: http://drcalinda.com


Chinese Medicine




Dr Calinda Lin - 32 Adelaide Tambo Drive, Durban North

          Tel: 031-563 5027 / 031-563 5018

Email: calinda@worldonline.co.za 

Designer Aleen Liu - Email: aleenliu88@gmail.com - Author: Aleen Liu